Names: Michele, Paul, Mischief, Mason, B.C., Moose, Kali, Chai, Pumpkin,and Domino, Mr Whiskers AND Sadie Mae and Sam! [the pair o’ puppies]
Home base: Manzanola, Colorado [where?] “It’s West of Out there!” But Wayyyy East of the Rockies!
Vacation: here, there and
everywhere! Planet Earth & Back of Beyond...innerspace, outerspace... looking for and finding HOME!
Favorite book: Anything ever written!
Favorite movie: Almost anything!
Travel tip: Keep Your Eyes, Ears, MIND and Heart Open! And Keep Your pockets full of humility, true kindness and SMILES. There’s no room for fear or sorrow that way!
Our photo albums
Mountain Mermaid and Paul’s
Return to the Rockies [and Paul’s jump to the Middle East!] 9-2004 to
8-2009 [on going]
Favorite songs
Anything on CHILL XM 84, Many of the old Classic songs from ANY era. Anything I can sing or dance to! Music is a huge source of energy. So, Don’t Die With Your Music Still Inside You! My brother and sister and I play and sing together -so, whatever we can learn is a new favorite! Freely experimenting with life ~
Favorite Places
Anywhere there is water, rocks, sky and trees! Thats pretty much the entire planet! EXCEPT: where the Bombs and Mortars are.
Some favorites I’ve Lived at and Loved,... Cabin Creek West Va.,Staatsburg, Pleasant Valley, LA Grange, New York, Key West, Marathon Key, Summerland Key, Dry Tortugas, Okeechobee, Alligator Alley, Gulf Coast of Florida,Punta Gorda, Peace River, Sanibel Island, Salt Cay, Grand Turk, B.W.I. Ometeppe Island, Nicaragua, Rivas, San Jorge Nicaragua, Granada, Nicaragua, Bay Islands, Honduras, Yucatan Penninsula Mexico, Anywhere in the Colorado Rockies, especially the front range, all of the the parks, Garden of the Gods, Red Rocks, Bear Creek, Helen Hunt Falls, Sand Dunes, Bents Old Fort, anywhere out on the southeastern plains of Colorado, Las Vegas, New Mexico, Westcliffe, Wetmore, and Florence, Colorado. Maine, Idaho, Montana, Washington State, -just about anywhere small and rural in the USA! Iraq, Dubai, Afghanistan, [ where half my heart is right now! Paul has been “over in the sand boxes” for 5+ long years! ] -and all the places we have yet to see or experience. And Right now the most favorite place of all is - OUR NEW FARM HOME IN MANZANOLA COLORADO!!!!
We HAVE A HOME! At Last Our Dream is Found! Yippee tai yo kai aeee Mo’ Fo! ;^)))
Our New/Old “Home On The Range”, In Manzanola, Colorado.